Who We Are
China Entrepreneur Network (CEN) is a university alliance with twelve chapters across the world, back by an extensive network of industry, academia and government professionals with CEN Michigan being the founding chapter back in 2009. As a global alliance we share a common goal; which is to bring together people, regardless of background, who are entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs that wish to make an impact in their communities. We believe that the entrepreneurial spirit resides in everybody, for some they just needs the little extra push to realize their potentials and that's why we're here, to act as a platform where entrepreneurial talents collide to exchange and develop ideas and innovation to serve for a sustainable future. By fostering entrepreneurs of today, we are helping to create leaders of tomorrow.
The United States and China are more connected than most believe. As China is quickly becoming the fastest growing market in the world, U.S. companies continue to develop the most innovative entrepreneurial solutions to the problems we face today. We believe these innovative measures can be duplicated for the problems China faces, and thereby the model of "U.S. Solutions for China Market." In doing so, innovators and entrepreneurs can not only build a better future but also take advantage of the great opportunities that China offers. Our mission, to help realize win-win results from US-China collaborations, to raise awareness on US-China interconnected social and environmental problems and to provide hands on entrepreneurial experiences for our community.
The United States and China are more connected than most believe. As China is quickly becoming the fastest growing market in the world, U.S. companies continue to develop the most innovative entrepreneurial solutions to the problems we face today. We believe these innovative measures can be duplicated for the problems China faces, and thereby the model of "U.S. Solutions for China Market." In doing so, innovators and entrepreneurs can not only build a better future but also take advantage of the great opportunities that China offers. Our mission, to help realize win-win results from US-China collaborations, to raise awareness on US-China interconnected social and environmental problems and to provide hands on entrepreneurial experiences for our community.
Our Global University Network Alliance
United States Chapters
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Cornell University
University of Chicago
Stanford University
Princeton University
Thunderbird School of Global Management
China Chapters
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Southwest Jiaotong University
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Guizhou University
Canada Chapter
The University of British Columbia
University of Michigan
Michigan State University
Cornell University
University of Chicago
Stanford University
Princeton University
Thunderbird School of Global Management
China Chapters
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Southwest Jiaotong University
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Guizhou University
Canada Chapter
The University of British Columbia